Michael Williams


When did you join M+J?

Since the beginning – June 1980

What is your favourite thing about working here?

I am proud to have a fantastic team of people supporting our business every single day. I also enjoy being able to utilize some of the best technology in the industry.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Spending time with my family, especially my Children and Granddaughter.

What is your favourite food?

Anything cooked by my daughter Meagan.

Meagan Williams

Managing Director

When did you join M+J?

I joined M+J immediately after graduating from High School in 2007!

What is your favourite thing about working here?

I am very proud of the legacy we have built at M+J. Our team is full of talented individuals and our product speaks for itself.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love cooking delicious food, baking decadent desserts and travelling the world.

What is your favourite food?

Pasta with Vodka sauce and a glass of wine.

Gianni Infanti

Operations and Customer Service Manager

When did you join M+J?

 Since August 2018

What is your favourite thing about working here?

Working alongside great people and great machines.

What do you like to do in your spare time?


What is your favourite food?

Neapolitan Pizza.

Monica Thapa

Accounting Manager

When did you join M+J?

April 2010

What is your favourite thing about working here?

Everyone within the company is treated like family. This has become the culture of M+J and that is my favourite part.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I read books and love walking with my pet.

What is your favourite food?

Healthy food.

Cat Lindhout

Data Entry / Accounting Clerk

When did you join M+J?

August 2007

What is your favourite thing about working here?

The way we all work together as a team.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Relax and watch movies and spend time with friends and family.

What is your favourite food?

Homemade spaghetti.

Johan Ang

Customer Service

When did you join M+J?

March 2024

What is your favourite thing about working here?

Everyone is very supportive. You feel like a sense of being part of a family or a great team.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Hiking and traveling with family.

What is your favourite food?

Seafood: Lobster oysters etc.

Amm Perales

Customer Service and Shipping Coordinator

When did you join M+J?

 March 2023

What is your favourite thing about working here?

The people. The whole M + J team will treat
you like a family. You will learn a lot from them (work related and about how life goes) I love
them all!

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Playing computer games, street photography, and biking.

What is your favourite food?

My mom’s beefsteak and Pork Sinigang. (Filipino food)

Keith Matson

Customer Service

When did you join M+J?

 In 2023

What is your favourite thing about working here?

The people I work with. Both at M+J and our

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Spare time? That’s funny!

What is your favourite food?

Chicken shawarma

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